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My Favourite Anime Episode

I've been asked to make a blog post on any topic my partner gives in another community. I gave [CreepyGames] my idea and for me is the topic below.


Favourite Anime Episode


Frankly, there's a lot of them. So much so that I needed to dig deep into my memory to pull out some title. It took a while and I've decided to list one of them instead. By the way, there will be spoilers in the mix so... You've been warned.


Episode 1 of Higashi no Eden I Picked Up A Prince


Let's face it, many of us had come to a point where we ask ourselves "Is the anime good to watch?" So, we tend to judge the series based on how the first few episodes are like. Higashi no Eden (Eden of the East) is a comedy romance series dedicated towards adolescent boys and men audience. How the anime started out is that typical plot where a guy and a girl meet and slowly fall in love. It does have some comedy elements right off the bat and how these two characters meet just simply left me in tears of joy from laughing too much.


It started out with a girl who went to a White House to find a fountain she could throw a coin in. It¡¯s those kinds of superstition whereby one could make a wish once a coin is thrown into the fountain. Sadly to say it was too far away from where she stood. Instead, her actions caused a stir and that was when she met him.

Yup, I had the same reaction.

Quite an entrance our lover boy made and I completely flipped when I saw it. (I still owe my friend a thank you for this...) That scene itself became one of the memorable scenes in the whole anime. Just mention the title and the first thing I'll remember is his grand entrance. It became a joke later on as she went back to retrieve her passport from him after donating her coat to him. (Her passport was in her coat pocket). They met a lot of mishaps along the way and it brought up to light how mysterious the male character is. His carefree attitude towards his memories being wiped out clean and finding out a storage full of artillery weapons in his own home, it really questions a person what kind of alignment he's in. my poor soul from these adorable characters


I have to applaud to the people and author who made this series. The first episode really reeled me in on wanting to watch more and in that, is a success in earning another audience to their works.

The anime is only 11 episodes long and has 2 sequel movie (Higashi no Eden: Gekijouban I The King of Eden & Higashi no Eden: Gekijouban II Paradise Lost). It's been years since I've seen it so my memory of the whole show is a little fuzzy. However, I think it's worth a watch for those who love a ?decent? Story plot. It's different from any high school or fantasy romance, at least.

That's all my opinion, folks. Ciao~

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