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Day 29 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


An Anime You Wished Was Real

I'm going on to take an easy answer for this one and simply admit I'm completely normal thinking this way.(<--Sarcasm)


I'm not sure if most know about this but there is, legitimately, a Dollars chatroom that is similar to the anime. I've been part of the site once and I have to state that it felt...different.

The systems is similar but not the 'spirit' of the Colourless. It's shown in the anime that the Colourless gang could physically help one another when one of them were in trouble. From what I came to experience though, we couldn't do such things.

We live in seperate countries or somewhere far away from each other, our timezone is different and only words can carry how we felt. Personally, I don't think just words will do much in most situation unless one is a smart hacker.

Kinda like most situations in social media, don't you think?

So, having that kind of atmosphere like the anime would be a once in a lifetime experience in my opinion. Especially when you get to meet incredible people who could really make a difference in reality. Having a Dullahan biker and a blonde man with super strength would be fun to have around, though...

So With All Haste, Thanks For Reading

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