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Day 28 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Favourite Quote From Any Anime Character

So, a quote...Honestly, I have many in my history but the ones I could pull out from the internet and carries a deep meaning (in my opinion) can only come from one character from Gintama.


Not really what you'd expect some great wisdom coming out from him. Especially with his first impression. However, as much as Gintoki had been fooling around and playing the part as a 'funny man', he does spout some meaningful quotes that are relatable to how I live my life.

I admit, there was a time when I really was stuck in a rut with this one problem until my baby brother came in and gave me a simple answer. All I could do was stare blankly before smacking my forehead for being so dumb to overlook something so simple. That's right, SIMPLE is the keyword here. Growing older, life starts to get more complicated to the point that I tend to take more steps to achieve the same results without me knowing that there was a shortcut for it. That's what it's like to live as a child, simple and with no worries. Hakuna Matata!

So taking my baby brother's example, I became more open-minded about certain situations and try not to fret over small mishaps of my life. It works wonders.

Crying is a sign of weakness. Well, at least that's what my cousin told me but I soon realise it wasn't necessarily true. It just shows that you've gone through long enough with your hardships and finally let the pressure loose. It always ended up with someone consoling the other and feeling re-energize after a power nap.

I was called a crybaby a lot of times and I only realise that I was being bullied by my cousin when my mother came to me and told me something similar to the quote above. I still cry a lot but at the same time, I gain more emotionally stable and I don't really feel ashamed If I happen to shed some of my tears in front of people. (Especially during a sad scene in an anime/movie)

This hits me hard since it's been happening quite frequently. I have given multiple people solutions when they had a problem but ended up not doing anything about it or worse telling the same tale of how life was just being unfair to them. So the quote really reminds me of the times people had asked for my help.

Don't get me wrong. I don't discriminate if that person wants a listening ear but once I gave a person an advice, I'd rather they take it and do something about it or don't even bother to come talk to me about it anymore. I am willing to help as much as humanely possible, and I'm sure others feel the same way, but ONLY IF the other party is willing to help themselves.

My Thoughts & Opinions

Not sure if I explain it well but it's the best I can describe through words. Describing my life isn't my strong point so I do apologise if I confuse anyone. But, yeah, those quotes listed above were more or less actively used in my daily life, like my lifeline of sorts.

So With All Haste, Thanks For Reading

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