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Day 25 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Saddest Anime Death

There are a few I have in mind but to choose one of them really requires some thinking. The scene doesn't only make a person cry but to make them meaningful (to me) in a way. I could say it's Ace's death since a friend forced me to watch it but it didn't quite leave an impact on me as much as this guy from this Anime.

Otonashi From Angel Beats

Somehow ending up in a high school in the Afterlife, Otonashi found himself with a group of students who are bent on fighting against God. As it turns out, all of the people there had memories before their death which were traumatic to each of their own. Except for Otonashi. He has no memories of what happened before his death and once he does, it breaks my heart to little specks of dust.


Otonashi had a sister who contracted a disease and passed away on his back as he carried her through the streets to see the festivities. He was ready to fall into despair and lives out his life in a dead end job with no goals for his future. Instead, he persevered on. Educating himself in a career in medicine, he decided to be a doctor and help as many patients as possible in commemoration of his deceased sister. It was an honourable intention which, unfortunately, lead him into a terrible train incident. Being left with a few survivors after a cave in, Otonashi is set on helping everyone despite being wounded and losing consciousness.

He finally couldn't move a single muscle in his body and decided to sign an organ donor card so that when the rescuers find him, he could still help people even after his death. The remaining survivors were moved by his intentions and wanted to do the same when they heard people drilling into the cave to rescue them. As their door to freedom opens, our main character's consciousness slowly fades and passed away.


My Thoughts & Opinions

Like I mentioned, the scene left my heart breaking into tiny specks of dust. I couldn't help but curse at the fact that nothing could be done to prevent such incident, making the message ever so meaningful in conclusion.

Life is fragile and precious. It can easily end in a blink of an eye without you knowing it till it's too late. Instead of cursing on the world for what you received from them, spend the remaining time you have to cherish on what you yourself hold dear. It doesn't have to be a person. Principles, philosophy or your own Motto. It doesn't matter as long as you don't leave any regrets later on.

With that, I bid you adieu...

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