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Day 22 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Favourite Weapon, Gear Or Armour Used In An Anime

It originated from a PS2 game which later on has its own anime trilogy. With rumours that a continuation of the series will be released on a PS4, .Hack//G.U also holds my favourites in their designs to their equipment. Especially from one of the main casts.

Haseo: xth form

Choosing an Adept Rogue class, Haseo starts out as a Twin Blade class and gains his other two job extensions later on which enables him to switch between job class and weapons mid-battle. The designs are rather bizarre and seem to focus more on the tribal punk kind of theme. However, gaining his xth form after an incident in the online game called The World (Input Dio's voice) proves to be my most favourite set of equipment he has ever have throughout the whole 3 volume of the series.

His weapon. Though not used in the game, the blade that wrapped over his four fingers is not only used as a something to guard against a melee assault but to initiate one as well. Other than that, Haseo's weapon functions as a dual gun which is impossible to find in The World unless it was hacked(<-Story Plot Hint).

In this form, Haseo is able to have a dash ability, skidding across the battlefield as if his boots defies gravity when he shoots down his enemies. However, the one weapon which I love the most in this form is his Data Drain

Just as the name suggests, it drains the player's level down to complete beginner (Level 1) no matter how high the player's level is. It's a handy tool with the kind of enemies he had to face in the online world he is in.

That's all from me.Thanks for reading! ^^

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