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Day 19 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Most Epic Scene Ever


I'm sure some would slump their shoulders and whimper "Gintama AGAIN?" when they see my choice but I can say the same for those who post about other mainstream animes. (Yes, I'm watching you Naruto, One Piece, Dragonball Z, Sword Art Online etc). As much as they admire those animes for one reason or another, Gintama happens to be mine and I find it ironic that some would think that Gintama is nothing but a parody and comedy anime. (Don't be surprised, there are people who think that way). However....

:: RANT END! ::

Fight Scenes In General

Some have yet to know that Gintama also contains scenes that involve them to get hurt (at emotionally serious, broken bones and blood splatter level). In a world where aliens, Amanto, overtook the historical age of the samurai, I can't emphasise enough that the whole world setting of the anime is all metaphorical in a sense. Putting the aliens (who represents the foreigners who came to Japan in the mid-1800s) as supreme beings in terms of hierarchy, the samurais (who obviously represents the Japanese) had no choice but to follow their rules in putting away their swords (Code of Bushido) for more advanced technology.

"Great history lesson! So what does that have anything to do with today's topic and your answer?"

See, that's the thing. The fight scenes in Gintama are not just about beating up people or who has the coolest superpowers. Sure, I admit, they can bring the excitement pumping with all the moves and all the cries of agonising pain but it's so much more than that.

The intention, the ideals and the development of their actions taken.

It's also a mental war like the fight between Light and L from Death Note, for example.

They aren't really just fighting against the Amanto who could easily overthrow them with physical power, they are fighting against themselves as they tried to be the best person they could be from the day before.

One good example would be explained in a fight scene between Kagura and Abuto

Cool moves, right? Did you pick up on the character's dialogue along the way? Some may not understand it since they either haven't/don't plan to watch the whole anime, but for the ones who did include watching the fillers as well would know that in between the nonsensical (dirty) jokes and parodies, we also get to know about Kagura's background story. This doesn't necessarily apply to only her but the whole cast of the show, so once a battle starts everything gets emotional, memorable and for the most part, epic.

Another example is Kamui versus Gintoki, Kagura, Shinpachi and Abuto

It's clear as day just how much Gintoki (and the rest for that matter) is overpowered by Kamui but they still kept getting up to finally beat him. My fellow audience, may I remind you that it's one freakishly strong human-looking alien versus 2 humans, one freakishly strong human-looking alien of a little sister and one freakishly strong human-looking alien subordinate. Every attack they inflict on the other, every move they make reflects on who they are or who they become.

Including to that, I have to add one last scene (below) as part of my answer as well since it still gave me goosebumps whenever I watched it.

That's all from this chatterbox. Thanks for reading~ ^^

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