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Day 13 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Anime Character You Are Most Similar To

I've answered this question in my Ice Breaker post so I guess I'll choose another one.

Ren Ichimoku

Sure, I did put Kagura on my previous post but let's just say that's IF you manage to break my outer shell. By first impressions, however, I'd say that I'm leaning more towards Ren. I know, it's a guy and not someone from Dramatical Murder but I have my reasons.

Anyways, Ren Ichimoku is a character from Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl). He usually has a relaxed personality that likes to joke around with a smile on his face from time to time. The first to react to unacceptable behaviour, Ren personally sympathises towards the ones he took an interest with. A good sense of justice and kindness. These senses, however, clashes sometimes with his duties. Like the other companions of Ai, he is very obedient to Ai's orders.

In a way, those qualities are quite similar to mine. I do appear to be too calm and relaxed in some cases that may or may not come off as emotionless or cold. I find it hard to understand people and their actions/reasons sometimes. Logic is a rare thing to come by from the looks of things but I nonetheless enjoy watching them on the sidelines. Oh, and why I picked a male character? According to a majority of the people online, I act too calm to be a female. At this point, I completely gave up on ever correcting their notion.

Thanks for reading~

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