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Day 9 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Best Anime Villain

The day has finally arrived. I've been wanting to share this and my patience finally paid off...


"When I play games, I always play on hard mode because the higher the difficulty, the more fun it gets" ~Sato

Who ever said old people are weak and can't be a badass? Not with this grandpa. Sato, or Samuel T. Owen, plays as the terrorist in this anime/manga series, Ajin. The first impression people tend to have with him (including me) would be the carefree and calm type of person but what underlies that facade was nothing more than a cold blooded killer. Cautious, logical and calculative, Sato's whole character development only made him all the more a compatible villain to the protagonist as if he was born to be one.

He can be compared to Lelouch from Code Geas in terms of ideology but what made him more lethal and dangerous was that of his love and passion for games. Yes, every chaos he creates was nothing but a game of rebellion to the government for him. The ironic part about him is that despite his role of the villain, he is rather polite through and through. Where else can you easily find an opposing team who initially tried to peacefully protest about the abuse of Ajins (even though it's just a front)and graciously announce their attack a week in advance when the same officials refuse to comply? It really shows how confident he is in his abilities to overthrow the government if he only tried. He just loves to play with his food and I can see why.

Sato is an Ajin, a being that was said to be possessed with shadows like entities which grants him immortality and powers. He can control that shadow entity of his, Black Ghost, ordering it around like a puppet and portray his voice into it (with some difficulty) like a telegram. Normal human beings can't really see this Black Ghost, only other Ajins, so he can take this advantage of using it as his eyes to snoop around. It hasn't been shown yet but Sato does have the capability to paralyze others around him by screaming which can last from seconds to minutes. Having those abilities doesn't limit him however as his fighting skills and tactics are capable enough to outclass even a whole group of an elite squad team.

Seiyuu: Houchu Ohtsuka

After thoughts & Conclusion

A really well-developed villain character, the confidence and the strong justice Sato portrays really made me root for him whenever he went out for his battles. He may be labelled as a terrorist but in terms of different perspectives, I can safely say he isn't necessarily the bad guy here. Sure, he may have the joy and love to kill off even innocent people but his end goals are somewhat understandable. Ajin had been brutally abused by the government, being test subjects to be killed on a daily basis just so the government could rule out on whether they are truly immortal. Ajin does technically die and reset themselves to full health but there was one thing that still remains.

They can still feel physical pain...

Thanks for reading~

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