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Day 5 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Anime You're Ashamed You Enjoyed

Hmm, I don't think I have one that I would be ashamed of.

"Oh really? What about Bocu no Pico then?" there was a snicker behind me and I glanced back to see the familiar figure of a black haired male leaning against a wall with his arms folded across his slim but firm body.

Smart but you forgot one small detail, my boy. I don't particularly enjoy that show. You do remember that I still have a grudge with that friend of mine who persuaded me to watch it.

"Ah, right you are, milady" Ezekiel gave a low chuckle, shaking his head in amusement

"Why not look at the question in a different way then," Another suggestion came my way and I realised another familiar face had entered the scene, her blonde hair flowed behind her as she went up to stand beside me with her hands in her coat pockets. "You've been staring at the darn screen for an hour now, it's not that hard if you just change your perspectives."

Point taken. Any suggestions then?

The 5 feet 6 inches tall women simply shrugged her shoulders as she popped a few bubble gums in her mouth, chewing. "I don't know. An anime that you had a sense of guilty pleasure of maybe?"


"By that face, I believe it's our cue to leave," I heard Ezekiel sigh as he left his back from the wall he leaned on, effortlessly scooping up Gianna over his shoulder and carried her along to the exit.


You guys can thank Gianna for giving me the ideas. I don't exactly have an anime that I can pinpoint on which I've shamefully enjoyed watching but the whole genre in itself would make most people cringe. Don't worry, I don't plan on exposing any explicit images or go ballistic to get you to watch them (like some others I know =.=").

"But you were thinking about it~"

Both of you...Leave...Now

Anyways, as many would know Yaoi or Shounen Ai is basically a genre of romantic love between male characters with one having more explicit content than the other. The target audience for such genres are mostly towards females, adult females to be more precise. However, as it turns out, that wasn't the case since there are some guys who happen to like this genre as well.

Take note: The people who love to watch this kind of genre doesn't necessarily mean they are gay or approve of such relationships in real life. They usually have a clear understanding of which is real and which is fantasy.

Moving on. As it stands, watching Yaoi or Shounen Ai are my guilty pleasures. It isn't necessarily accepted by the people around me as far as I know but that doesn't seem to stop me from ever watching them. You could say it because it's a 'forbidden' thing and out of the norm that similar genders have such desires with one another but just like guys watching hentai, yaoi/shounen ai is like an addictive drug to us fujoshi and fundashi.

Of course, like any romance anime you've ever watched, they branch out to different categories as well. It's generally the same with any type of anime with the only difference that the love interest is between guys. Hot and charismatic guys *AHEM*

I'll need to end it off here. Any more and I'll be breaking a lot more rules than I need to.

Thanks for reading~

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