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Day 3 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


Favourite Male Anime Character Ever

The horrors...the

Ok, I have a lot and given that I just replayed a Visual Novel Game on PC, I might as well talk about it. A little different rather than just repeating myself from my previous blog post.

The characters listed below are anime, technically, and came from the very same title

Note: The genre is for fujoshi and fundashi...It's yaoi/shounen ai

Gian Carlo Bourbon Del Monte

"A man with luck good enough to be nicknamed the “Lucky Dog.” He’ll find diamonds when he goes on walks, and bet on the right horses if he closes his eyes and chooses randomly. He’s never gotten a girl pregnant, and even if he loses his mother’s pendant (the one hanging around his neck) it always finds its way back to him." ~Rumours about Gian

Yup, this blonde beauty here is no average joe. Ever heard of Nanbaka? Well, ladies and gentleman, his speciality is a mix of the two characters inside Nanbaka anime.

Able to unlock himself from jail and escape it for fun/ hobby

Have an insane of luck that could put gambling to shame

His background history was rather a simple one. His parents passed away due to being killed by a druggie and was raised in an abbey till his teenage years. His hobbies in jail-hopping (in and out of prisons) started out when he was still a kid and hasn't failed once as his perspective of them are nothing but a game of puzzles.

Even though he's a reliable person for break-out operations and has affiliations to the CR:5, he can be gullible at times and reckless when aggravated. Observant too, which saved the group many of times and could somehow make others easier to relax and feels more comfortable to be around him.

Best of all, he was suddenly promoted to Capo (Captain status) and was promised to be the head of CR:5 Family (a mafia group in Italy) IF he managed to break the CR:5 captains free from jail.

Lucky, isn't he?

Bernardo Ortolani

"I’ve always been on casual terms with the number two, Bernardo, but that’s only because we happened to know each other from before he’d become a captain. …Well, even so, we’ve only known each other less than ten years, but still. When Bernardo's been promoted to captain, he’d said to me, “You don’t have to change how you address me.” He’s been nice to me since, too. That … was when I was seventeen… So, eight years ago?" ~Gian's impressions

One of the younger generation of Mafiosos, but also sticks to the olden ways. He has an extremely strong sense of honour and duty, and very loyal to the Boss. He’s been a capo for eight years, which was only one year after he’d met Gian. He’s friendly towards Gian but has always kept him at a distance. Funny thing is, he knows more about Gian than Gian does.

Handling with the networking is his weapon and forte. Bernardo works behind the scenes for most of the operations, informing the group of the locations of their targets and could easily tap into any phone line to eavesdrop on them. (Sometimes unethically), and he's a godfather of 6 children.

Bernardo's personality simply speaks of someone who is a calm and relaxed person. His negotiation skills for stock trading are rather...persuasive and he could easily freeze even the bravest man's heart with his intimidating and cold glare.

Luchino Gregoretti

"This man, Luchino, is the third capo in the CR:5. I know I shouldn’t be talking, but he’s got quite an attitude when talking to Bernardo, who’s above him in rank. Well, technically they’re equals, but still… Oh, and by the way, I’m too low for him to even worth noting. Not that I have a problem with that, though. We’ve bumped shoulders outside these walls several times in the past, but even then he’d always been proud … or, shall we say, a complete arrogant snoot." ~Gian's impressions

Charismatic, handsome, luxuriously well-dressed. He tends to look at the big picture and doesn’t worry about the little things, and so tends to be rather arrogant. He feels responsible and confident in himself, which leads to him giving orders to people easily, but once someone works themselves into his favour (especially friends and family, blood or Mafia) they’re in good hands. He always takes into account what’s at stake when he takes action.

While Bernardo works behind the scenes kind of guy, Luchino works at the front as a face for the public that promotes the good deeds of the CR:5. His job mainly focuses on making rounds to places such as casinos, black markets and also some residents of Daivan, making sure their business thrives and their people's wealth fare are well undertaken.

Being the eye of the public, Luchino is pretty much self-conscious on how he looks and behaves. He even went to extent of having some of the objects he owns to be custom made (like furniture) and order made clothes from England and Belgium.

Giulio di Bondone

"Giulio di Bondone, the fourth capo of the CR:5. He’s below Luchino in rank but above Ivan. He looks pretty OK… I’d heard he was a dangerous guy skilled at killing, killing, and more killing, but he looks nothing like the part." ~Gian's impressions

Belonging to a family as old as Daivan itself, and being the heir to boot, he’s well-brought up and well-mannered. Beautiful, silent, reserved, and someone Gian feels could hook up with anyone if he wanted to, Giulio has no interest in women. Instead, he keeps his eyes on Gian, his “aspiration.” He pays so much attention, in fact, that Bernardo has to warn Gian that, “When it comes to you, his ability to judge things shifts.”

Working as a 'Soldato' (someone who bloodies his hands and has done hits and raids since his teens), Giulio's work focuses more on erasing a target that was sent by the CR:5. He always seems to keep extra weapons under his bed and specializes more on killing with knives. Having the ability to have a high precision of a sniper rifle and moves at the speed of a bullet, it comes to him as a second nature to just put his enemies to rest rather than keeping them alive.

Giulio can be considered as a yandere stereotype seeing that he enjoys playing with corpses and the cold, formal tone he gives off to the other members. When it comes to Gian however, his personality changes 360 degrees and he'll act all bashful and shy all of a sudden.

Ivan Fiore

"Born in Daivan to immigrants and dropping quickly out of the respectable business world, I’m practically meant to be one of the CR:5. No question about it, Family is something important to me. Massive. …But there’s no way I can see myself grovelling on the floor in front of this guy and calling him 'zio', not when he’s younger than me. Plus, he’s relatively new to the family. Only made capo last year. I try to ignore him every chance I get. He’s really, really loud." ~Gian's impressions

Father an ordinary Italian, mother an Irish, Ivan is actually in an especially strange position as a captain of a Mafia family. He’s very straightforward and easy to rile. Not to mention in riling up others, annoying them and generally pushing all their buttons. Strong in fights, Ivan doesn’t care what he looks like and doesn’t care for hygiene, which is the one thing he and Gian could agree on. Too bad Gian enjoys making fun of him too much.

Tsundere, adorably so, Ivan just loves to swear a lot but despite his many misgivings (He's awful at Italian and numbers), he is super strict when it comes to his job. Smuggling booze from imports and handling the business in prostitutes as well, Ivan always came up with a weird routine to pass his days. (I find it funny that they had to have a pattern of knocks to know they're clear)

His troops (mostly non-Italian Americans) are only loyal to him and he manages to gain a strong support in the non-Italian side of the slums. His knowledge of Daivan is practically like the backyard of his house, making the CR:5 question where his loyalties and trust lies quite often than it needs to.


:: Gian ::

Was voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki

:: Bernardo ::

Was voiced by Kōji Yusa

:: Luchino ::

Was voiced by Shin-ichiro Miki

:: Giulio ::

Was voiced by Yūichi Iguchi

:: Ivan ::

Was voiced by Hirakawa Daisuke

Thanks for reading!

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