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Day 1 || 30 Day Anime Challenge


The Very First Anime You Watched

Well, I can say that it's either Pokemon, Digimon and Card Captor Sakura but as a kid, I thought of them as something similar to any old children cartoons at the time (Powerpuff Grils etc).

Strangely, only one show that really caught my attention and made me think that it was different from the rest.

That seat goes to Rournin Kenshin Or as they titled it during the time: Samurai X

Just because of that X on his left cheek.

I didn't know at the time they had an exclusive name for it (Anime) but I was slowly drawn to how the story plays out. The characters were lovely and the one true pairing had really got me squealing.

Not forgetting the fight scenes in the anime. I remembered being glued to the television when Kenshin was near death in fighting off his enemies and had some good tear jerking moments in each and everyone's struggle.

I only happen to know the term 'Anime' when a show was broadcasted one night. They always had a sneak preview of the show, Teaser Trailer as they say it, and the word ANIME just blared fully on the whole screen.

Guess what anime it was....

I can hear the fans screaming...

Yes, Inuyasha. I stayed up late at night just to watch the episodes. I didn't have the internet back then and had only the television broadcast to rely on. Sad to say, they didn't finish the show so I was left hanging. I don't think I'd want to pick it up again, though....(So many episodes;;)

So yeah, Rournin Kenshin and Inuyasha would be my first anime that I've watched. Thanks for reading~

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