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Seth's Aesthetic Mood Board

Here's the mood board for my OC Seth:

I'll explain why I picked those images and other tidbits on the presentation of the board is itself and I'll start with the picture below.

Nature is a symbol of peace and harmony in my opinion and Seth generally is a good natured person. Delving into his own subconscious when he meditates, the world seemed like a fantasy to him making him calm and collected.

He grew up in an orphanage, thus taking care of the youngsters there was part of the routine he had to live up to. He grew fond of them (the children and the experience in taking care of them) which made most of the kids think of him as a role model or an older sibling they could turn to.

Dandelions are generally known to be symbols of innocence in which, in most cases, Seth is. The dandelions riding with the wind just meant that Seth is the type that just goes whichever life threw at him.

Fears. Everyone has one and Seth just so happens to be stuck in his. The time he first gain his telekinesis powers and loose control to the loanshark thugs carved a big scar in his conscience, giving nightmares from time to time.

Yeah, a weasel. A simple characterization that Seth could be related to the animal. Cute, sly and can easily Weave his way out of certain critical situations if he wants to.

One of the accessories he strangely adores. Especially piercings around the ear area.

Not sure if you've noticed but the mood board generally has a cool tone. It actually emphasize just how calm and relaxed Seth can be in most parts of his life.

(This challenge isn't related to martial arts but it let's you understand about your own OC which will be an advantage for fighting, if you need it)

So that's about it. Thanks for reading! ^^

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