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Day 2 || Favourite Character?

*WARNING! THERE MAY BE SPOILERS* I seriously hate that question. I really do. I can't really choose among them since they each have their own appealing quirks that left me squealing like a girl and bellowing like a fanboy. So all of them would be my answer, even the villains. Will that do? Silence... ...FINE! I'LL CHOOSE ONE! DX || 2 Hours Later ||

It was hard but she's the one who rose to the top in the end. Let me explain why.

She has the looks and style. A plus when she's the type that uses her fist as her weapon of choice.

She has a cool looking ride. Unique one too since it's my first time seeing a character riding their own Persona.

Moreover, her abilities really match to her personality as well; qualities that I can relate to. Makoto's inferiority complex at being compared to her successful sister and the pressure she had to go through to uphold their high expectations of her, forcing her to act mature for her age. I personally have never been a president in all my years of school but I can see myself in her shoes on those topics. Oh, and what really gets me good and more confident in choosing her as my favourite is this two aspects of her.

Her exploding anger, especially when she's out fighting as a Phantom Theif. See, when she first had her screen time, I honestly think she was similar to Mitsuru from Persona 3. Polite and using formal words when speaking to everyone but she was holding everything in till she hit her limit and changed her personality 180 degrees. She's like a walking time bomb waiting to explode at any second!

She actually has a hidden side that I find very charming. That scene where they sneak in to meet Futaba and Makoto got herself scared, not only was that charming but also broke my image of her being all stoic. I ended up squealing when she was clinging to the protagonist's legs all frantic.

Well, that about wraps everything up based on what I've seen her so far. (I never played it, only watched the playthrough. Even with that, I've yet to watch the whole thing.)

Thanks For Reading! ^^

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