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Day 1 || Introduce yourself, you dork!

"Ok, ok, I will. Just chill for a second" With a sigh she took a step forward and did a ninety degree bow since its a basic japanese thing she knew when they greet people. She then lift her head and straightened her back as she starts to address the readers. "I'll disclose my original name so feel free to use the name that's attach with my pfp," She began with a small smile as she shift her position to favour her right leg. "I'm sure you can tell by now that I'm female and in case anyone starts asking, I'm 23 years old. I know, shocking." She gave a slight pause to recollect her mind on what to say next and lift her hand to scratch the back of her head as she began to speak again. "I roleplay in the semi-lit category and am usually active at night till one in the morning at UTC 8+ Timezone. I've never played Persona 5, to be honest, but I did manage to get a good play through with persona 3 & 4, and loved the series eversince.....I guess that's about covers it" She gave a nervous chuckle as the awkward silence grew and quickly gave another bow. "Hope we get along with one another"

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