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Day 2 || What kind of things do you like?

Again, a lot of things but I'll narrow it down so it wouldn't be that overwhelming:


Not only is it necessary physically but mentally and emotionally as well. It keeps me happy and keeps me entertained when I feel like there's nothing I can do with my mouth(no, I'm not going there). I do eat proper meals, don't worry, but sometimes I just needed something to keep myself in check. What better way than to grab a snack, or bubble gum, and chew? (Fidget spinners aren't really that attractive to me, sorry)

Watching Anime/Movies

Here we go. Nostalgia coming back to me. Though I haven't been actively watching them recently, I still went through the series when I had the time. Genre wise, I usually lean towards mystery, fantasy and action but if there's a little of drama and romance then thats a plus for me. There are a few titles I found rather intriguing, that makes you stop and think about what you're doing right now but I'll get to those details on another day. ^^


Majority on JRPGs, there are tons of games that are heavily done in that fashion. The final fantasy series for example. Though I don't really play all of them since the first one, it never stopped me from loving the franchise. Squall from FF8 was the first protagonist that I've grew up with when I was a kid and I fell in love with the whole feel of the game itself. FF8, FF10/ 10-2 and F12. All of them were different but I had fun playing them. There are others as well, Chrono Cross, Tales of Abyss, .Hack//G.U. At least, those are the ones I remember for now since their storyline really attracts to me.


"What is sleep? Sleep is for the weak!" I'm sure we've all heard them at some point. Face it, we used to say the same things too. However, you're going to eat those words one day as you grow older (I feel so old typing that). This is how I see sleep do to a person. A day goes by and you're exhausted either physically, mentally or emotionally or all of the above. The world around us starts to change by the time you realize how tired you are but there's still more work that needs to be done. You can't focus and that results to you making mistakes. Your friends/teachers/boss/parents will be unhappy towards you when you can't perform which makes you think the world hates you because they are forcing more load onto you despite how tired you are . See where I'm going? Sleep simply resets your body so you'll be able to do what you love without much trouble. Loving sleep is one of my interpretation of loving myself.^^

Those above are the major ones that made me as I am. Thanks for taking the time to read it. Till then.

See you, Space Cowboy~

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