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Day 1 || What kind of things do you hate?

I do have a lot of things that I hate but if I'm going to list all of them, it's going to take forever for me to write it down. So I'll narrow it down to the experiences in roleplaying wise. Here we go (I'm probably going to rant so bear with me):


No, I don't mean in roleplaying, I meant the players themselves. Yes, you hate the person because they are rude etc, but why oh why do you need to show it to the world of your anger and lust for revenge and whatnot? There is this function called private message where you can quietly settle your disputes. Use it. Don't underestimate the Private Message for their usefulness goes way beyond just having 'a fun time'. *^*/

Psychological War

Yes, it's out there and I'm sure those people who have the power to ban people would agree with me on this one. People who accuse you of abusing your power as a curator/leader when you are plainly just doing your job. They can come up with loads and loads of tactical words to pin the blame on the curators/leaders when they are in fact the ones who are flaming people to create trouble. With all the commotion, the curators/leaders will be left in a stupor on what's right and wrong, making them the scapegoat of all the commotion caused. It just really sucks out the joy in roleplaying in the first place - Not saying that all the curators/leaders are innocent as well since there are who do abuse their powers.

Edgy People

I understand it's not your day and the world hates your existence somehow but to throw all that negativity into stating online that you're going to kill yourself etc is only going to make people feel you're trying to get attention. They can't do anything unless they can be physically there to stop the suicide attempt. More so when you're taking it out on another roleplayer out of nowhere. It's aggravating and again, it sucks out the joy of roleplaying.

Certain Roleplayers

Don't get me wrong! I love most of the roleplayers BUT the ones who just love to show off how literate they are. (#saltypeople) Yes, it's true. One liner has its downfalls but would it hurt that you could just help them improve rather than bully and criticise them harshly? I personally came up the ladder and started out as a one liner myself, but with some help, I finally am able to do more lines in my roleplay! It breaks my heart to see them(one-liners) being brutally demoralised and, in truth, those type of people do have better idea plots compared to most literate roleplayers I've seen so far. If they don't like to be taught of the ways then I suggest we move on or, if worst comes to worst, ban them from getting into the community altogether if the community is so desperate to get a more literate roleplayers. Why force them?

Alright! That's all folks. Sorry if its too lengthy but if you've read all the way than I thank you for taking your time. I won't make any promises that I'll be the best roleplayer but I'll try to put some effort as much as I can.

Well...uhm, yeah. Bye;;

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