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Cappi Loveridge

"Who are you suppose to be, kid?"


|| General ||


-- Full Name --
:: Cappi Loveridge (Kap-pi Love-ridge)

Cappi is an Italian name that meant luck. Followed by Loveridge, the ancient Anglo-Saxon surname, that came from the baptismal name Loefhere, meant 'beloved army'. Put them together, his name is meant to mean luck in the battlefield.


-- Nickname --
:: Happy

The name was given by the folks from where he came from due to him always smiling despite his mishaps


-- Age --

Biologically born male and would prefer the pronounce "He", "Him", etc.


-- Gender --
Born as a pure male so he would prefer the pronounce "He", "Him", etc.


-- Sexuality --

Believed to be demisexual, a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It's more commonly seen in, but by no means confined to, romantic relationships.


-- Date of Birth --
:: 6 September

Born prematurely but healthy, nonetheless


-- Birthplace --
:: Piata

Known to be a village that thrives in cultivating plantations, the villagers excel in marketing and trading as well


-- Occupation --

Cappi's occupation at the time was basically helping out with his mother's store to entertain their customers with fortune-telling


-- Ethnicity --

The Inamor or Amor, a free-spirited traditionally nomadic ethnic group, that usually travels around the world for trading and fortune telling


-- Alignment --

Not easily categorised since that perspective depends on each and every different person. 

"I didn't realise he was mute till you told me..."


|| Appearance ||


-- Species --

A crossbreed between an angel and a human.


-- Height --

Going at a height of 6 foot 9 inches, Cappi really does stand out compared to the other boys in his travelling troupe causing his folks to easily recognise him from far away.


-- Hair --

Cappi is naturally permed, his washed out grey hair is in a perpetually messy state, but he doesn't seem to mind the state it became much to the distress of others.


-- Eyes --

A natural pair of grey eyes, though the colour may change to pure white in certain circumstances despite the pitch black darkness


-- Skin --

A normal and healthy skin despite being covered in dirt for the most part of his life. He has a Tatto on the back of his neck which looked nothing more than a number symbols of sorts. There seemed to be a large gash of a scar covering most of it though so the numbers seemed unreadable. A scar on the back of his right hand that was inflicted during the time he lived in a circus and has a piercing on his left ear.


-- Physique --

Cappi weights at around 210 pounds with a BMI of 22.5 which is normal in terms of his height by medical records. His body is firm and muscular though it's hard to see them under his baggy clothes.

-- Distinguished Features --

His wings since angels are known to be rare and his eyes which are different from any other angels that were discovered.


-- Allergies & Disorders --

No allergies are ever recorded but Cappi does suffer from being able to speak. In other words, he's mute. 


"Cappi, grow up. It's just a shirt."


|| Clothing ||


-- Style --

The style he usually goes for are loose kind of clothing that would easily disguise his true nature. The colours are usually washed out or a little dull due to the fact that his clothes mostly came from second hand


-- Casual --

His preference would always be topless with baggy black pants and would go around without his shoes due to the fact that any more clothing felt constricting for his white wings and his movements. Though he says that he still had to wear a brown cloak over him and a pair of brown shoes when he has to be in town for errands etc.


-- Formal --

He doesn't bother with such etiquettes but he would wear something more appropriate for the occasion, depending on the venue of his invitation.

"Action speaks louder than words as they say, heh, how true can they be?"


|| Personality ||


-- Description --

His first impression wise, Cappi is rather shy and happy go lucky. Often focusing on a larger, important scale of the issue and delegate the details, Cappi is an independent individual. He tends to be passionate and intuitive towards the things he loves. He has a broadminded view of things and generous that helping to serve his mother's customers was no chore to him. Affectionate and forgiving he is that people tend to impose on him a lot causing his mother quite a distress on the aftermath he had caused later on.


-- Hobbies --

Creating mischief was one of them during his younger days but now he'd rather spend the time observing people rather than everything else


-- Language --

Rather than words, Cappi has the capacity to converse well with others by just transferring pictures from his memories to others.


-- Attractions --
+ Reading

+ Writing

+ Observing people

+ Hearing their stories


-- Detest --
- Government

- Betrayal


-- Guilty Pleasure --
// Cooking

// Voeyur


-- Pet Peeves --

// Food taken from him

// Stupid but stubbornly proud people

"How did that?"


|| Combat ||


As much as he fight's mentally rather than physically, Cappi does have a set of techniques to render his opponents immobilize given their body size isn't as bigger than he is. 


-- Skills & Power [WIP] --


:: Mnemokinesis
Cappi is only at the level of transferring pictorial memories between himself and others,  allowing him to fabricate and view them. He can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia but only if the target is within a 3-meter radius of range. The effect lasts for about 6 hours at best depending on the mental state of his target once they stepped out of his range.


:: Physical Implantation
In a way, this is a sub ability to his memory manipulation. Implanting knowledge from simply glancing or observing, Cappi is able to work his way to move and hit like a pro fighter. He could only absorb up to 3 types of techniques per battle and could only use this ability 3 times a day. The effects last for 5 hours at best for now


:: Flight
Having wings, Cappi is able to fly around easily with a speed that is close to 390 km/h. He uses his long pointed wings to make quick and powerful wingbeats to travel at high speed.


-- Transcendent --


This only happens when Cappi's stress level is at his limit. His mental state broken, another persona comes into play and that side of him seeks nothing but destruction and erased anything that gets in his way.

"So, where do you think he comes from?"


|| Relationships ||


-- Family --

:: Mother
A gipsy human mother that adores him to no end and ends up dead later on regardless of his choice


:: Father
An angel of high calibre it seems, though that news was as old as before Cappi was born. He has gone missing and remains a mystery to Cappi till later on


-- Friends/Allies --

:: Seth
These two have a strange relationship from the start. Just seeing those two together makes the whole scene seemed complete for some reason 


:: Ezekiel
Ezekiel and Cappi seemed close but....they don't even need to converse much, do they? 


-- Enemies --

:: The government officials
His hatred for them runs rather deep but that doesn't elude him with his thirst for revenge. All the more, he'd rather not want to be involved with them altogether if he has to.

"Hey Cappi, how is it that you're able to smile even after all of the things that happened to you?"


|| Background Summary||


Giving birth into the world where the freaks could never live among the human society. The mute Cappi and his gipsy mother were forced to live a life in the freak circus for years. Life wasn't easy but they made do with what they have. That was when the circus was raided by the guards and being caught at their mercy Cappi was sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment in exchange for his mother's life. He was to live under an abandoned bridge, chained to the concrete floor and rot there till the day he dies.​


>> Sequel Story: Life under The bridge <<

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